My career in dialysis began when I “crashed” into renal failure December 1974 at the age of 22 years and I have elected to continue to dialyze 3 times a week in-clinic ever since. It was not until my involvement with Dialysis Patient Citizens that I began to understand and be personally committed to advocacy and sharing of information in regards to Medicare and kidney health-directed legislation. Watching our organization grow and continue to evolve has been a most positive education. The Patient Ambassador Program has helped me to connect with numerous kidney citizens across the country as well as my home state of Iowa. Regardless of what options for renal therapy that an individual may choose to utilize, it is important to remember the payment chain and how much our lifeline is dependent on adequate federal dollars to maintain optimal and accessible care. Dialysis Patient Citizens is truly committed to a healthy, educated, and empowered kidney citizen organization that represents all of the dialysis and CKD community.